A Hoppy Christmas…

I received this card through the post today which I was commissioned to design for my Sister’s in-laws. They are spending Christmas and New Year down-under so wanted a humorous card to reflect this. The message inside reads “Wishing you a Hoppy Christmas and a Joey New Year”. Bonza!

They’ve arrived!

My Christmas cards arrived this morning and i’m very pleased with them. The paper quality is pretty good. There is some banding with the full-colour areas but I guess that’s a hazard of digital printing. Next year I should screen print my own perhaps. Nevertheless, very pleased. Now to uncover that Christmas card list! x

Christmas is coming…

I finally got my website together, or at least up after much tweeking and re-tweeking. I hope to post more of my work very soon so stay tuned! Here’s a sneak-peek at the beginnings of my forthcoming 2012 Christmas card. I’m expecting the finished cards back from the printers tomorrow. Very excited! Joyeux Noel to […]